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(彭博) - 沃伦巴菲特周六对大流行中的美国经济的国家进行了明确的判决:烧焦热。“这几乎是一个疯狂购物,”伯克希尔赫达瓦公司董事会主席董事会在集团年会,几乎从洛杉矶举行。“人们在口袋里有钱,他们支付更高的价格,”他说。他说,Buffett将恢复速度比预期的恢复速度更快,并确定了救助,并通过美国政府帮助提高了85%的经济“超高速公路”,他说。但随着增长回报和利率保持低位,许多 - 包括伯克希尔 - 在六个月前的人们预期的人数比人们更加通货膨胀,“他说。巴菲特在长期的朋友和商业伙伴Charlie Munger为今年的聚会团聚。由于全国关机,Munger没有在奥马哈 - 巴菲特的家乡在奥马哈的最后一年会议上。当Duo再次提出问题时,一些股东很释放:“我真的有一种感觉,查理和沃伦都表现出他们的平常和惊人的敏锐和知识能源,”詹姆斯阿姆斯特朗表示,担任亨利H资产总裁,包括伯克希尔 - 股份由Armstrong Associates管理。巴菲特和Munger花了几小时,将问题从企业留学到气候和多样性,Spac繁荣,税收和继承。 Here’s the rundown: Climate Pressure: Berkshire has been put under pressure by two shareholder proposals, one of which was to increase transparency about its efforts to combat climate change. The topic had to be a topic at the meeting – and it was. When asked for the suggestions, Buffett stuck to his previous stance. The measures to produce extensive reports on diversity and climate for its business areas, which include energy to railways, are “asinine”. The proposals were later rejected. Buffett was also named after Berkshire’s stake in the oil and gas producer Chevron Corp. asked, which he announced earlier this year. Buffett said he “doesn’t feel compelled at all” to own the company, which he said has benefited society in many ways. While he acknowledged that the world is turning away from hydrocarbons, people on the extreme side of both arguments are “a little crazy,” he said. Greg Abel, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Energy, called climate change a “material risk”. He added that they are setting goals and spending $ 18 billion on transmission infrastructure over 10 years. Killer SPACs: Buffett warned investors that, given the boom in special-purpose acquisitions companies that hit the market last year, Berkshire might not be very lucky. “It’s a killer,” Buffett said of SPAC companies’ influence on it Berkshire’s Ability to Find Companies to Buy. “It won’t go on forever, but that’s where the money is now and on Wall Street it’s where the money is.” The 90-year-old Buffett also spent part of the annual get-together in Berkshire on Saturday with the recent boom in retail and daytime retailing. Many people entered the “casino” on the stock exchange in the past year, he said. Tax: Buffett said President Joe Biden’s proposals to raise corporate taxes would hurt Berkshire shareholders. He added that antitrust laws and tax policies could change things for the company, but new tax laws wouldn’t change non-dividend policies. Succession: Buffett and Munger, 97, asked most of the questions at Saturday’s meeting, but their two senior deputies, Abel and Ajit Jain, who run insurers, also shared the stage. Investors got a closer look at the couple who are believed to be the best candidates for the job. Munger left a little mention of the post-Buffett years of speculation on social media about the most likely candidate to succeed Buffett. The CEO pointed out that decentralization doesn’t work everywhere because it requires a certain type of culture that companies need to have. “Yes, but we do,” emphasized Munger. “And Greg will keep the culture.” Abel has long been seen as the lead candidate to replace Buffett, particularly when he was promoted to vice chairman overseeing all non-insurance-related operations, which includes a wide range of responsibilities, including overseeing the railroad BNSF and the energy business . Spiegel: Buffett offered a couple of mea culpas during the meeting on Saturday. He noted that the sale of some Apple Inc. shares last year was a mistake, and even said that Haven, the healthcare company owned by JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Inc., believed it could be America’s “tapeworm” Health care fight costs, but the worm won. “That was probably a mistake,” Buffett said of those Apple stock sales last year. Berkshire still owned around $ 110 billion in the iPhone maker at the end of March. “In fact, Charlie let me know in his usual low-key way that you thought it was a mistake too,” he said to Munger, who shared the stage with him. Cash Pile: Before the annual meeting began, the company released its earnings for the first quarter and gave investors an insight into its earnings gain of 19.5% for the period. Berkshire ended the quarter with a near-record-breaking $ 145.4 billion in cash as it continued to generate funds faster than Buffett could deploy. But Buffett also pulled back some leverage on capital during the period. It repurchased just $ 6.6 billion in Berkshire’s own stock, just below the record $ 9 billion set in previous quarters, and posted its second-highest net sales in nearly five years in the first quarter. For more articles like this please visit us at Sign up now to stay up to date with the most trusted business news source. © 2021 Bloomberg LP
