印度送入的战术甲板 - 建设者现在通过Xbox Sport Move在Xbox One和PC上进行了先知

甲板建造战术优势的游戏这些日子并不罕见,这就是为什么先知将自己的想法带到桌子上。通过Xbox游戏通行证,为Xbox One和PC上的几个地图准备印度簸箕体验。

无处的先知由没有更多的机器人发布并由Sharkbomb Studios开发。这是一个数字卡游戏,已经接受了很多积极的关注。它有一个独特的甲板建筑系统;你的卡不只是手玩的地方,但是你的车队的追随者,他们通过这个堕落的世界堕落,世界末日。随着新的追随者被招募或人们迷失在野外,甲板不断发展。有一个很好的机会,你会与你的人民联系,导致真正的心碎,因为他们在战场上不可避免地看到他们的死亡时。


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建立一群忠诚的追随者,在破碎的世界中生存下来。几乎没有。扮演一个强大的领袖和神秘主义者的角色。因为技术的天赋而增强,这种能力能够感知和影响电流。你是一群被驱逐者和难民最后的希望。引导他们通过随机生成的荒地。在回合制纸牌战斗中与贪婪的奴隶贩子和疯狂的机器战斗。你能活到到达那个神秘的地穴吗?《Nowhere Prophet》是一款单人纸牌游戏,带有程序生成纸牌,高难度和永久死亡。它的核心是游戏玩法的两个不同部分:旅行和战斗。 During the trip, you navigate using a procedurally generated map. Make sure your convoy has enough resources to travel when choosing your route. On your journey you will meet strange places and still strangers. You will be placed in situations where you take the fate of your followers in your hand. If you are lucky enough to receive rewards, perhaps to help someone out – or to rob someone, you can invest them to upgrade your decks. Recruit more followers to bring more and different units into battle. Equip or level up your prophet and learn new skills to gain access to stronger action cards in battle. You will have to overcome a few enemies to keep your convoy and resources together. And sometimes you might even want to fight for justice or just for booty. In combat, the game switches to turn-based card game mode. Play convoy cards to get your followers onto the field and position them so you can overcome your enemy. Or play action cards to dramatically change the battlefield. But be careful: if you are wounded, you need to find a safe place to heal. And if one of your followers takes too many wounds, they are lost forever. Nowhere does the Prophet take place on a distant planet called Soma. Their story begins many years after the crash, a complete technological breakdown. Civilization has collapsed and the lack of resources has resulted in everyone becoming either bandit or madman. In this world inspired by Indian culture, you’ll lead a convoy of outcasts. These desperate men and women follow your vision of a better future. Under your guidance, they will travel with you through the wasteland. Your destination is the crypt, a mystical place that promises untouched technology and security. If you can survive long enough to find it.

