


围困美国国会大厦1月6日的暴力暴徒穿着象征,表明他们的起义运动才能剥夺Joe Biden的选举证书。除了美国国旗,反犹太主义横幅和同盟的战斗旗帜挥舞着前南越的黄色和红色条纹旗帜。这困惑了许多观众。一个Reddit用户想知道为什么主要是白色的“无政府主义的暴徒”为南越南越南语的“联合选择”。事实上,南越旗子暴行者更有可能唐纳德特朗普的越南美国支持者。选举民意调查表明,越南美国人是去年唯一一个拥有大多数特朗普的唯一投票的美国集团。据记者和研究人员称,他们被吸引于特朗普对中国的艰难立场,以及他的反共产主义言论,他的反共产主义修辞,以及他公开的承诺保护美国免受美国国内外所有敌人的致力。南越旗帜是越南自己的“失败”民主的提醒 - 以及人民努力拯救他们的国家。越南在1954年获得了法国殖民统治的独立性之后的民族主义国旗,该国分为两次并引发了一个内战。美国帮助建立和支持南越南越南,这是一个争夺共产主义北越南的民主共和国。 American ground forces officially joined the war in defense of the south in 1965. In 1975 opposition forces overtook the South Vietnamese capital Saigon. They rushed through the gates of the main palace, seized the building and hoisted the flag of the revolutionary northern government. The fall of Saigon marked the turning point of the Vietnam War which caused over 1 million North Vietnamese deaths, military and civilian deaths, causing a quarter of a million South Vietnamese casualties. The war killed nearly 50,000 American troops and displaced about half a million people. Many Vietnamese refugees sought asylum in the United States. Today they invoke the enduring cultural value of this “fallen” regime by hoisting the flag of South Vietnam at New Years parades and music concerts. The flag reflects the solidarity of the community, but also has a more symbolic meaning. As I wrote in my 2018 book, Return of War: South Vietnam and the Price of Refugee Memory, some Vietnamese Americans see their fallen homeland as an extension of America’s quest for freedom and democracy worldwide. I have interviewed Vietnamese-American soldiers who fear American freedom is failing and who fervently believe in US activities in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. For them, flying the flag of South Vietnam is a sign of nationalism – a militarized patriotism that is both South Vietnamese and American at the same time. Change in Political Loyalty I have also watched Trump use old anti-communist tactics that appeal to some conservatives in this community. Last year he tweeted that his followers are to forcibly “liberate” the country from COVID-19 lockdowns. Hours before the Capitol uprising, he urged followers to “fight like hell” to defend his government. A handful of Vietnamese Americans responded to this call and participated in local “Stop the Steal” rallies in California. The participants in the armed takeover of the Capitol have only been identified, but the media has apparently caught Vietnamese Americans holding up the South Vietnamese flag. These protesters likely believed that the United States must be saved from the socialists – what Republicans mistakenly call Biden – as their white counterparts claimed to believe. Unlike their white counterparts, the memory and politics of the fall of Saigon inspired them to undermine democracy. Vietnamese loyalty to the Republican Party could decline. Social scientists find that younger Vietnamese Americans are more progressive. Born after 1975, they neither fought against communism nor fled as refugees. However, like their parents, these Vietnamese Americans live in a country at war with themselves. This article was republished by The Conversation, a non-profit news site dedicated to the exchange of ideas among academic experts. It was written by: Long T. Bui, University of California, Irvine. Read more: * How self-proclaimed “prophets” of a growing Christian movement provided religious motivation for the January 6th events at the US Capitol * Fired for storming the Capitol? Why Most Workers Are Not Protected For What They Do In Their Free Time Long T. Bui does not work for, and does not consult, or have any interest in or funding from, any company or organization that would benefit from this article relevant affiliations disclosed their academic appointment.
