


在周三的第一个地址,拜登总统曾静音,并轻轻地敦促在家中敦促举办的立法者和旁观者,团结起来的侵略性支出议程。低调讲话强调了政府与冠状病毒大流行和经济有关的成就,并敦促共和党人在其23万美元的基础设施计划中与民主党人妥协。并采用其新推出的美国家庭1.8万亿美元。“投资就像我们谈论的那样的工作和基础设施经常被双方支持,”拜登说。「副总裁哈里斯及我经常与民主党人和共和党共和党在椭圆形办公室与共和党共和事会讨论,讨论美国的就业计划,“Biden表示他的2.3万亿美元的提案。他说,他欢迎最近向共和党参议员提出了56.8亿美元的反诉,致拜登的计划。“让我们开始工作,”拜登说。“我们期待着想法。但世界其他地区都没有等待我们。什么都不做不是一个选择。 “He later called on Senate Republicans to block progress on gun control, saying that lax gun laws led to” bloodshed every day. ” “Look, I don’t want to get confrontational, but we need more Senate Republicans to join the vast majority of their Democratic counterparts and fill in gaps and need background checks to buy a gun,” Biden said during his first address a joint session of Congress. “And we need another ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.” The president also used the speech to unveil his new American family plan, a $ 1.8 trillion bill that focuses on health care, childcare and education. The bill includes $ 400 billion to extend the existing child tax credit through 2025, $ 225 billion for childcare allowances, $ 225 billion for a national paid family vacation program, and $ 200 billion for a universal preschool. The plan also provides for an expansion of unemployment insurance programs; Senate Democrats urged states to offer six-month benefits at 75 percent of a worker’s previous pay, and to grant benefits to part-time workers and people who leave their jobs for good cause. In addition, the measure would provide an additional $ 85 million in Pell Grants for low-income students pursuing a bachelor’s degree and $ 9 billion in training and diversifying American teachers. The proposal would also offer two years of free community college to all Americans. To fund the comprehensive plan, Biden has proposed raising the highest marginal tax rate from 37 percent to 39.6 percent and nearly doubling the capital gains rate for individuals making more than $ 1 million a year. To fund the American employment plan, Biden has also proposed raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent and negotiating a global minimum tax rate for multinational corporations. During his speech on Wednesday, Biden said he had “made it clear that we can do it without increasing the deficits”. “I will not impose tax increases on anyone who earns less than $ 400,000 a year,” he said. “It’s time for business in America and the richest 1 percent of Americans to pay their fair share.” However, Biden may struggle to find Republican support for his two massive proposals, as GOP lawmakers disapproved of tax increases and criticized the size of Biden’s infrastructure proposal, which they believe includes a number of measures that do not qualify as infrastructure. Biden also claimed on Wednesday that he had “saved a nation in crisis”. “One hundred days since I took the oath of office – removed my hand from our family Bible – and inherited a nation in crisis,” Biden said. “The worst pandemic in a century. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The worst attack on our democracy since the civil war. “Now – after just 100 days – I can report to the nation: America is on the move again,” he said. He noted that the government had exceeded its promise to get 100 million COVID vaccinations in 100 days and would have fired more than 220 million shots in that time. Every American over the age of 16 is now eligible for the vaccine, he added that 90 percent of the people in the US now live within 5 miles of a vaccination site. However, he said that “more work needs to be done to fight this virus”. “We can’t let our guard down now,” he added. The president continued to discuss immigration reform as the US-Mexico border faces a record-breaking surge in migrants. In March, more than 170,000 people were arrested for illegally crossing the border. This is a record of 15 years. “On the first day of my presidency, I kept my commitment and sent a comprehensive immigration bill to Congress,” said Biden. “If you think we need a safe border – pass it. If you believe in any route to citizenship, pass it on. If you really want to solve the problem – I sent you an invoice, pass it on now. “Biden advocated the sweeping George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which would create a national register of police misconduct and require all federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to file complaint and discipline reports. It also prohibits federal officials from using chokeholds and no-knock warrants in drug cases and would end qualified immunity for officials, a provision that has struggled to obtain GOP support. “We have all seen the knee of injustice on the neck of black America,” said Biden. “Now is our chance to make real progress.” He called on Congress to come together to “root out systemic racism in our criminal justice system” and pass the George Floyd Act. “I know Republicans have their own ideas and have productive conversations with Democrats. We have to work together to find consensus, ”he said, hoping the bill will be passed before the first anniversary of Floyd’s death next month. The President spoke to a smaller audience than would normally be the case for a joint session, as only invited members of Congress are allowed to attend due to COVID-19 restrictions put in place by the House NCO. House spokeswoman Nancy Pelosi, who gave members of both parties an equal number of tickets, noted that the address “rose from 1,600 to 200 people,” adding that it is a “different dynamic, but the one.” has its own worth ”. Senator Tim Scott (R., SC) delivered the GOP counter-argument to the president’s speech on Wednesday evening.
