

Liz Cheney的主要敌对主义者描述了14岁的14岁女孩的浸渍为“像罗密欧和朱丽叶的故事”。

在一个故事中,他被称为“罗密欧和朱丽叶”,美国代表候选人和参议员为怀俄明州,安东尼Bouchard透露,他周四透露,当他所做的时候,他“和一个14岁的女孩浸入了一个14岁的女孩”18岁,“星期五的Casper Star-Tribune报道。Bouchard自己在Facebook上周四发布了新闻,试图“在学习人们正在调查他的候选资格后,”在历史前继续迈出一步,“星星论坛圈写道。参议员处于询问代表的过程。Liz Cheney(R-Wyo)在房子里的座位上,但他说他不相信Cheney的团队参与挖掘故事,星星论坛报告。“两个青少年,女孩怀孕了,”Bouchard在Facebook实时视频中说。“你以前听过这些故事。她比我年轻一点,所以这就像罗密欧和朱丽叶的故事。“Bouchard并没有透露Facebook实时视频,山报告的女孩的年龄。调查人员跟随我的家人几周,现在自由主义的虚假新闻就会出现在我的青少年的打击。这就是为什么好人避免在办公室运行。 I will not back down, swamp! @RepLizCheney bring it! https://t.co/gaVSm6MkZM – Anthony Bouchard for Congress against Cheney (@AnthonyBouchard) May 21, 2021 According to Bouchard, the two married in Florida when he was 19 and she was 15 and they split up three Divorced years later. At the age of 20, the nameless ex-wife committed suicide, reports the Star Tribune. “She had problems in another relationship,” added Bouchard in his video. “Your father committed suicide.” Bouchard’s plans to run for office seem unaffected: “Come on. I’ll stay in this race,” he told the Star Tribune. After Bouchard announced his candidacy in January, he said he raised over $ 300,000 in the first quarter of the year. More at the Casper Star Tribune. Joe Manchin calls the January 6th commission’s GOP filibuster “so disheartening” that Minnesota AG is pursuing the case of Kim Potter, a former officer who fatally shot and killed Daunte Wright. Will cryptocurrency cause the next financial crisis?
